Remembering 9/11


Today is the anniversary of the day we all learned how brief life can be. It was a tragedy, but it reminded us that we never know when we will die, so make every single moment count. You are here for a reason, have you found your purpose yet? It’s worthwhile contemplating it. You’ve been given hints…it’s what you really love to do. How will you take your passion and bring it to the world? How will you make a difference? Will you be leaving a legacy?

If we take this message from the horrible events that occurred eleven years ago, then the 3000 people who lost their lives that day will not have died in vain. They did change the world. Their death pointed up the need to always tell those we care about that we love them, and to live a life that is fulfilling so at the end we will know the world is a better place because we were here.

Wishing you well,


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