Why We Hurt!

Happy Halloween!

Ana, my partner in TriggerPoint Yoga, recommended an excellent book to me and pointed out the following quote:

Furthermore, a recent research study found that a home-care program of pressure trigger point therapy followed by a sustained stretch to the muscle was as effective as in-office treatment for overcoming the challenge of chronic pain; this research was conducted on forty adults with neck and upper back pain. I have personally found that when individuals have an effective way to self-treat and over time remove their myofascial trigger points, they can overcome even the most disabling chronic muscle and joint pain problems!

by Dr Greg Fors. Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain

This statement totally defines what we’re doing with TriggerPoint Yoga.  It’s  important to find the knots in the muscles and release them BEFORE stretching.

Since 1991 I’ve been teaching my clients how to self-treat the spasms that are shortening the muscle fibers and causing chronic pain. This work has been successful at helping thousands of people all over the world, including one lady who had suffered from fibromyalgia for 27 years!!  Combining the Julstro self-treatments with yoga has been a godsend, it was the icing on the cake. It was exciting to read Dr. Fors statement and realize that he is explaining in detail exactly what I’ve been teaching for years, and what Ana and I are now bringing to the world.

If you know a yoga teacher who would like to be trained in the Julstro self-treatments and become a certified TriggerPoint Yoga instructor, please tell him/her to contact us.

Wishing you well,



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