Treating the Muscle that Causes Knee Pain

This past Wednesday I taught an Ultimate Performance clinic, with a strong focus on teaching yoga instructors so they could become certified in TriggerPoint Yoga.  It went great!  The best part was when we kept figuring out new techniques, and how the yoga teachers were incorporating all the Julstro self-treatments into the yoga positions.

I’ve written about knee pain in previous blog posts, and Ana did a short video teaching how to treat your quad muscles that was also posted in a previous post, so I won’t go into detail here. However, while I was at the class we were working on how to do the Julstro self-treatment for the quads when there wouldn’t be stools for people to sit on during a yoga class, and in some studios there isn’t enough flat wall space for people to lean on and do the treatment.  Thanks to the discussion, I came up with the following method that is done on the floor while sitting on either a yoga block or a folded blanket, just enough to have your leg at a bit of a slant.  You use your bamboo stick from the TriggerPoint Yoga kit, or you can use a 1″x12″ length of PVC pipe to do the treatment.  Give it a try, you’ll be pleased at how easy it is and how effective it is to release your tight quad muscles.

TriggerPoint Yoga is the perfect combination of self-treating the spasms that cause tight muscles and joint pain, and yoga stretching.  It was fun teaching the Ultimate Performance class.

Everyone left feeling they learned a lot of valuable information they would be sharing with their students, and also using to release their own tension.  And I left knowing that I’m excited to teach this nationwide — to paraphrase a saying most of us know…”So many states, so little time!”

If you are a yoga teacher, a fitness trainer, a massage therapist, or someone who is determined to eliminate aches and pains from your daily life, I hope to meet you at one of my classes.  Meanwhile, you can learn how to do all the Julstro self-treatments by either getting my book, Treat Yourself to Pain-Free Living or you can go one step further and get the complete TriggerPoint Yoga package which has a three DVD’s teaching everything in Treat Yourself to Pain-Free Living AND safe yoga stretches for the upper and lower body.

BTW, I’m teaching again on August 29th in Pearl River, NY and then on Sept. 8th in Cary, NC.  If you’re near either of those two cities and you’d like to attend, please contact me at

Wishing you well,



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