Knee Pain Relief Without Surgery

Discover the Secret to Knee Pain Relief without Surgery!

Knee pain is a common condition and it is caused by various repetitive activities and many sports activities. These can include, among others, heavy lifting activities, housework, gardening, and sports, including skiing, golf, running, tennis, biking, walking and throwing sports like baseball. The Julstro Method, with its clinically-based self-treatment techniques and tools, effectively relieves these conditions. Using a Julstro Comprehensive Treatment System, knee pain sufferers can quickly treat themselves and return to normal activities and the sports they love.

What Causes Knee Pain and How to Get Relief

Knee pain relief is sought by millions! When your knee hurts it’s common to rub it, but most of the time it doesn’t help. You may try various creams and braces, and still it hurts, so you may think there isn’t anything you can do about it. The reason these various remedies aren’t helpful is because the majority of the time the pain isn’t originating at your knee, you’re only feeling it in your knee.

Julie Donnelly’s work with thousands of athletes, and people who were suffering from chronic pain, has proven that knee pain is a symptom of spasms in other muscles. With two exceptions, the Popliteus and Plantaris muscles, all other knee pain is commonly coming from muscles from your low back to the muscles just above your knee joint.

Occasionally Knee Pain is Caused by Two Small Muscles in Your Knee Joint

The Popiliteus and Plantaris are two small muscles on the back of your knee joint. When you are standing and want to bend your knee to take a step or sit down, your Popliteus needs to contract to bring your thigh bone (Femur) and lower leg bone (Tibia) into a position that enables you to bend your knee. The nickname for the Popliteus is “the key that unlocks the knee.” But if you are sitting for a long period of time the Popliteus has stayed in the contracted position and can shorten due to a phenomenon called muscle memory.

If your Popliteus shortens and you try to straighten your leg the muscle is pulling hard on both ends, causing pain directly behind your knee. It can even prevent you from straightening your leg and you may think you have arthritis in that joint.

The long tendon of your Plantaris muscle inserts into your heel and is a part of posterior knee pain and heel pain. If this muscle is in spasm you will have pain in either or both of these points every time you try to put your foot flat onto the floor. This is one of the reasons people have knee pain when they wake up in the morning.

Fortunately both of these muscles are easy to self-treat with just a little instruction on finding the muscles, and how to best apply pressure to the muscles.

Usually Knee Pain is Caused from Pain Originating Elsewhere

The majority of knee pain actually comes from your thigh muscles, the Quadriceps. These four muscles, called “the quads,” all merge into one common tendon that crosses over your kneecap and inserts into the front of your shin bone. When your quads contract you straighten your leg from the bent position. It’s obvious that when your quads are in spasm (a very frequent problem due to repetitive use) that they will be preventing you from straightening your leg easily. Knee pain relief comes as you release the tension in your quads take the pressure off your knee joint.

One of the four Quadriceps muscles, the Rectus Femoris, is more complicated only because of its interaction with your pelvis and the muscles of your low back.

As your pelvis is rotating because of spasms/contractions in your Psoas, Iliacus, and Quadratus Lumborum muscles, muscles of your hip (Tensor Fascia Lata) will cause tension in your Iliotibial Band (ITB) which will refer pain to your outer knee, and the rotating pelvis will overstretch the muscles of your inner thigh (Adductors) which insert onto the medial knee joint (the inside of your leg).

Finally, your Hamstrings are a group of three muscles in the back of your leg that all originate at the very top of your thigh, and insert into the bones of your lower leg just below your knee joint. When you contract your Hamstrings you bend your knee, but if they are in spasm they will pull on the bottom of your pelvis and cause pain at the very top of your leg, burning pain at the bottom of your butt, and also pain in the inside and outside of your knee joint.

A very important note about your Hamstrings: Never stretch them until you have released all of the muscles from your low back to your knees because they are being overstretched already (this is thoroughly discussed in The 15 Minute Back Pain Solution and Treat Yourself to Pain-Free Living) and stretching them while the pelvis is still rotated can cause them to tear from the bone.

Achieve Knee Pain Relief Without Surgery

After the “Usually Knee Pain is Caused from Pain Originating Elsewhere” section, add subheader: “How to Eliminate Knee Pain”

The muscles of the upper leg are frequently tight because of the muscles in the low back and hips. To eliminate knee pain, it is often helpful to treat those areas first, and then move on to the muscles of the leg.

That’s it! There’s no more waiting for a therapist or doctor’s appointment to relieve the pain. You are your best therapist. With the Julstro™ System, you may never need to spend another dollar on expensive therapy or questionable treatments.

  • Could muscles really be causing your knee pain problems? YES!
  • Is it really possible to have knee pain relief without drugs or surgery? YES!
  • Can you really learn how to do the treatments to yourself? YES!

What People Are Saying About Julstro’s Wrist Pain Relief Products

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Your website was the only one that helped me. 8 years ago I tore both knee meniscuses because I didn’t stretch before an activity. Now, because of what I learn from the Julstro Method I know what to do when I have a cramp. Thank you!
—Nada Lewis, El Sobrante
I am 99% certain that without Julie’s advice I wouldn’t have made the start line and although I am still having problems with my knee (it was pain free in the race) the treatments are working as it is slowly improving (both whilst running 50 miles a week and since the marathon). I will aim to keep these stretches up whether injured or not and hopefully they will help me keep running into old age.”
—Nigel Sanderson, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Thank you for the Julstro System. Not only has it helped my carpal tunnel, but the pains in my knees are gone!!! I didn’t even realize I was in constant pain until it disappeared! I’m in karate and it was a mental challenge to push my body into the stances when I knew it would hurt so badly. I usually ‘doped’ up on Vioxx and ibuprophins before a work out. After just five minutes of working on my leg, all the pain disappeared. It took about two weeks for it to stay gone permanently. Mentally, it’s taken about three weeks to get over the fright of the upcoming pain, which never materialized again. I was in constant amazement! I can’t thank you enough! This procedure has eliminated not one, but three impending surgeries for me!!!”
—Alison Benitz

Lest's Talk

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