Chronic Pain Relief

Chronic Pain Can Stop You in Your Tracks! Julstro Has Solutions!
When chronic pain is caused by muscles tightened by repetitive strain, only releasing the tension in the muscle fibers will alleviate the pain.
Look at your problem and consider if you had a trauma of some type. If you haven’t, then the odds are excellent that you just have tight muscles pulling on the insertion point at a joint. Just like pulling your hair will hurt your scalp, a muscle pulling on a bone will hurt the insertion point, which is usually at a joint.
Julstro shows you how to locate the muscle that is the source of your pain, and then shows you how to treat it yourself to get relief. Since many times the muscle will quickly return to its shortened length, it’s important to know how to self-treat each muscle. When you know how to treat the source of the problem, and not just rub on the symptom, you will lessen or eliminate the cause of your chronic pain.
You may need to do this several times to teach the muscle to stay relaxed, but with the Julstro Method, you can easily do this at home. No need for expensive equipment or multiple therapeutic treatments. With just a little direction you can self-treat at home every day if you choose.
Plus, you can prevent muscles from becoming so tight that they cause chronic pain in the first place!
Where's your Pain?
Where you are feeling the pain is often not the actual source of the problem. This is the reason that you sometimes don’t have relief when you are rubbing a sore spot. The phenomenon is called “referred pain” and the reason behind it is really logical.
The body is a tangle of nerves that start in your brain, go down your spinal column, and then out to every cell in the body. The brain sends a signal that is carried along the nerve, and that is how the body moves. If a nerve is impinged in one place, for example because a bone is pressing into the nerve fiber, the impulse can move quickly down the entire length of the nerve. As a result, you may feel the pain a long distance from where the impingement is occurring.
The same is true with a tight muscle. For example, a spasm (knot) in a muscle of your hip will shorten the fibers and you’ll feel pain where the muscle attaches on the outside of your knee. You think you have a knee problem, but you actually have a hip problem. This is happening with every muscle in your body!
A core principle in the Julstro Method is observing where you are feeling the symptoms of pain, and then working backward to discover the true cause of the issue.
It works! Treating the source of pain with the Julstro Method has helped thousands of people eliminate even longstanding pain and dysfunction. It will help you!