What We Do

Find the Source of Your Pain and Release the Tension
Using the combination of several deep-muscle modalities with the unique techniques that were developed by Julie Donnelly, the Julstro Method doesn’t treat symptoms, it goes to the heart of the problem. It’s like a line of domino’s….when you push the first one, ultimately the last one will fall. In the body the knot in the muscle (technically, a spasm) shortens the muscle fibers and pulls on the insertion at the tendon – this is the first domino. The tendon then crosses over a joint and inserts into a bone at the other end. When the tendon is being pulled, and you don’t want to bend that joint, you’ll feel pain at the insertion point on the bone. The pain is the last domino! Rubbing where it hurts won’t help, the only thing that will help is applying pressure on the knot until it releases. The Julstro Method shows you where to locate the origin of your pain, and also shows you how to self-treat each point.
WAIT! Don’t Stretch…..Yet!
When a muscle has knots. it is shortened putting a strain on both ends of the muscle, and you feel the tightness when you touch the muscle. It’s normal for you to want to stretch, but consider this analogy…
If you take a 12” length of rope and tie enough knots in it to make it 10” long, and then stretch it back to 12”, what did you do?
You made the knots tighter, and you overstretched the fibers not in the knots. And in the body, both ends of the rope are attached to a bone.
It is better to first untie the knots BEFORE you stretch.
With the Julstro Method you are gently stretching the fibers while you are releasing the tension. When the knots release it is now safe to do your regular stretching without injuring the muscle fiber.

How we do it?
Years of experience have gone into the development of the Julstro Method of Osteopathic Muscular Therapy. Working with thousands of people, both athletes and non-athletes, has proven that simply applying and holding deep pressure directly on the knot/spasm will cause the fibers to relax.