Eye Strain

Hi Everyone,

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom’s out there, hope your day was as nice as mine.

Today I was talking to a woman who spent many hours on a computer finishing up a project and her eyes hurt. Here’s a real simple self-treatment:

Close your eyes and put the side of your pointer finger, all the way up by your fingernail, along the very top of your eyeball. If you wear contacts either remove them, or look all the way down so you aren’t pressing into them.

Then just press your fingers into the back of your eyeball (or as far back as you can go. You’ll be pressing on the very tiny muscle that moves your eyeball to the left and right. Just stay still on the point for about 30 seconds. Then go to the very outside point of eye and do the same thing. You may even get a color and geometric shape show while you’re doing this.

You are relaxing the spasms in the muscles that move your eyeball, and it feels wonderful. You don’t need to press too hard, just enough that you feel a slight discomfort, which will lessen as you hold the spasm. If you’d like pictures of how to do this, they are in my book, Treat Yourself to Pain-Free Living.

Your eyes will feel so refreshed and if you have a little bit of a headache, it usually disappears.

Wishing you well,


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