Teaching Julstro Techniques to PTs and OTs

I am so happy to say that I met with a major medical facility (that I’ll name after we teach the first course) and they are excited about putting together a continuing education course for PTs and OTs who work at the facility.

I worked with a PT, named Maureen, from the facility who flew to NC to see me after she was told by the doctors and the head PT that she had a mystery pain that she had to learn to live with. She didn’t want to live with it (plus it meant that she couldn’t pick up her young children) and she found me on the internet. After reading about the muscles that rotate the pelvis and how they cause pain from the mid-back to the feet, she decided to fly here for treatment. It worked in just 1 1/2 hours – she was shocked and thrilled to be out of pain. Then we worked on a plantar fasciitis problem she had for many years and that took an hour to eliminate. She’s back to running without pain and her hip is just fine — of course, she’s doing all the self-treatments which is key to preventing its return.

Maureen then used the Julstro techniques on two of her clients that had been in therapy for several weeks without response, and she was thrilled to find that both of them got relief from their chronic pain.

She went back and told the Director of Physical Therapy, who realized this was something necessary for both PTs and OTs to learn so they can get even better results with their patients. After meeting with both the Director of PT and the Director of Education, it’s now in the works! I couldn’t be happier because not only will I teach the PTs and OTs at this facility, but that will also lead us to bringing the teaching to PTs and OTs all over the USA.

My main goal has always been to teach as many people as I can before I die, and now, thanks to Maureen and this forward-thinking medical facility, that will happen. I’m excited to think that both PTs and OTs will not only learn how to do the hands-on therapy, but they will also learn how to teach their patients how to do the Julstro self-treatments. YEAH!

Have a great week,


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