Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Caused by Driving

I just had a wonderful, albeit short, visit with my family in Upstate NY — Cooperstown, the home of the Baseball Hall of Fame.  It was so special, especially watching my angel, Kate, play at the beach.  Imagination is a magic thing!

Driving the 11 hours to Cooperstown on Wednesday, and then 11 hours back to Chapel Hill, NC on Friday, put a serious strain on the muscles of my forearm and I was really happy that I know how to do a quick carpal tunnel treatment.

As I was driving, and my arms, wrists, and hands were hurting, I was thinking of all the other people on the road who drive for hours and hours and don’t know how to release the tension in their muscles. I was especially thinking about cross-country truck drivers who are also holding wheels that may be vibrating (making the problem worse) and who are doing so many other hand-intensive actions in the course of their work.

Carpal tunnel treatments aren’t taught by most medical professionals, and most people don’t realize that the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (wrist pain, numb fingers, tingling, lost of strength and hand dexterity) are actually caused by spasms in their muscles.  I’ve also come to realize that it’s become a mission for me to share this information with as many people as I can. Too many people are losing their jobs, or being prevented from doing the things they enjoy because of the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Trigger finger, where your finger/s either can’t bend, or get locked in the bent position, are caused by the same forearm muscles that are involved in the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.  The good news is that you can learn how to treat each of these muscles successfully.

If you know anyone who is concerned about pain/numbness in their hands, or who has trigger finger or is becoming weak in his/her arms and hands, please share this information. There is a non-surgical carpal tunnel treatment, and it’s easy to do and has excellent results.

Thanks for letting me rant for a few minutes 🙂    This can make such a difference to so many people.

Have a great weekend,



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