How can Julstro™ Muscular Therapy help me?

First let me introduce myself, my name is Julie Donnelly and I have been a licensed massage therapist since 1989, specializing in the treatment of sports injuries and chronic joint pain. In New York, where I received my license, the education is very detailed and leans toward medical massage rather than spa massage.

After I completed my training, I quickly learned I didn’t like spa work. I loved doing the detective work necessary to find the source of pain and numbness, and then designing treatments that release the spasms that ultimately cause the problems. Also during that time I had the good fortune to have a client who was a retired osteopathic physician. He taught me how to do osteopathic treatments that were legal with my license, and that was the beginning of everything I do today.

Julstro™; Muscular Therapy is different than massage, in fact most of my clients say it isn’t anything like a massage. The only similarity is both are manipulating muscles and the only tools used are the therapists’ hands. As my practice developed I quickly started to work with athletes who needed to know what to do to help themselves when they were “on the road”. Plus, I had so many injuries and serious conditions myself (frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, etc.) that I was forced to figure out how to self-treat. This became a blessing in disguise. If I can treat myself, I can teach others how to treat themselves.

So that’s what I do, I teach. I also have my books and DVD’s that teach people how to self-treat and I teach Julstro Workshops around the country. Plus I moderate three forums where people can post questions while I do my best to answer them in a timely fashion. I hope you’ll visit the forum, the primary one can be found through my web site:

The web sites are all being revised and updated, so when you visit them you’ll find a “constant work in progress”, but they’re all pretty informative and worth reading (if you find a broken link or other mistake, please let us know by emailing support at

It is our goal to have all my workshops listed with locations, dates, price, etc., and also list where I’ll be speaking at conventions and seminars. Perhaps you’ll be able to come to one, I’d love to meet you.


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